
3 Things you should quit, starting right NOW

In the high performance and personal development space, we really love cranking out blogs and social media posts about all the things you have to add to your life if you want to reach your goals. Guilty as charged. But I’m learning more and more that high performance is about incredible discipline in doing LESS so that in the long run, you can do more….

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“It’s Complicated”: 5 Lessons Social Media has Taught Me About My Mental Health

I hate the Facebook “memories” tab. Several years ago when Facebook came out with the Timehop-like feature, I thought it would be fun to flip through old posts and pictures. But these days, I click on the tab mostly to clear the notifications.   Truth be told, the posts are just hard to read. And the surveys I posted in notes… ugh, remember those?  …

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We’re Selling Our Clients Short

Every year in October my professional organization (Association for Applied Sport Psychology) hosts their annual conference. When I was a graduate student, going to the conference every year was a great opportunity to learn new skills that I could bring to my burgeoning mental skills coaching practice. Today, it certainly still serves that purpose but it’s definitely more of an excuse to catch up with…

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Time for an Adventure

Hey there! My name is Liz and I am the Owner and Mental Performance Coach at Delta Mentality. I’m excited for this new venture in building connections with folks all over the world that are interested in growing their potential and increasing performance in all areas of life.   I started this business because I know everyone wants to feel confident and competent, in control…

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